My Radlines Fang buggy moves really slow for some odd reason. The batteries so far, should be fine. Maybe I need to check them but I did change the batteries in the car to new ones. The remote battery I have not changed but i wouldn't think it had anything to do with the speed. Although when the everything is turned on, after a few seconds the car goes backwards on its own.How do I modify a Radlines RC car?When your remote battery goes flat, the signal from the transmitter gets weaker and your car will be less responsive. A strong signal from another transmitter or CB broadcasts can affect your car's movements. Since this RC car may have either 27Mhz or 40 Mhz transmit/receive frequencies then do expect some stray transmissions.
Its best to replace the transmitter battery with fresh one but if that does not work either, then its time to go hobby grade!!