This past week has been cold here and for the first time yesterday I noticed that my car took few extra seconds when trying to start. Not sure if this is because of the cold weather and related to battery. All of last year, even in more cold weather I never had a problem. It always started right away.
Does this mean the battery is getting old and I need to get it replaced? OR is it normal during cold weather and will it go away once the weather gets better? If it is the batter, how much do these batteries cost and how often should I be replacing them. This has car has been running with this battery for nearly 2 years with no problem since I got it. Not sure when the previous owner changed the battery before that.
I also posted a question just now on Low Oil Pressure indicator flashing since yesterday when I start the car. Not sure if this starting issue and that low oil pressure indicator issue is related. Both issues started showing at the same time yesterday morning when I started the car.Car takes few extra seconds to start when trying to start?cold weather can cause slow starting so can a weak battery, and so can the low oil pressure switch. the engine protects itself if there is no oil pressure and keeps it from startingCar takes few extra seconds to start when trying to start?What kind of car?
Mileage?Car takes few extra seconds to start when trying to start?you might want to get the battery tested. it takes more juice to start a car in the cold then the summer. also what about your oil? is it thick and black? if it is then get it changed. thick oil your car will turn over slower.